
A technique for determining the sound power level of noise sources in their operational environment is outlined in ISO 3747, with a special emphasis on machinery and equipment in non-reverberant environments. This technique offers a useful way to evaluate sound emissions while taking the environment’s effects into account.

Use of ISO3747:

Engineers and acousticians use acoustic performance evaluation to assess the sound power levels of machinery and equipment under typical operating conditions, which mirror actual circumstances.
Regulatory Compliance: Helps producers make sure their goods abide by applicable noise emission laws and guidelines.
Product Development and Certification: Offers a uniform process for evaluating and approving different products’ noise performance.

Method of ISO3747:

Test Configuration:

The noise source’s actual operating environment is used for measurements. To the greatest extent feasible, the configuration should reduce external noise and reflections.
Usually, the noise source is placed at a height and separation that make precise measurements of sound intensity possible.

Method of Measurement:

Sound Measurement: Sound pressure levels at different distances from the noise source are recorded using a sound level meter or an array of microphones.
Data collection: To account for changes in sound levels during regular operation, measurements are made at predetermined intervals and over time.
Monitoring of Background Noise: To make sure that it doesn’t affect the sound measurements, the background noise is tracked.

Analyzing Data:

The recorded sound pressure levels, which are usually given in decibels (dB), are used to compute the sound power level.
Frequency-dependent data from the results could shed light on how the noise source acts at various frequencies.

Accurately determining the sound emissions of machinery under actual operating conditions, assisting in the observance of noise regulations, and promoting improved acoustics in a variety of contexts—including commercial and industrial areas—all depend on ISO 3747.