
An international standard called ISO 11654 offers instructions for measuring a material’s ability to absorb sound, particularly in relation to its acoustic performance. The categorization of sound-absorbing materials used in buildings and other environments is its main focus.

Use of ISO11654:

Acoustic Classification: Architects and designers can choose the best materials for particular acoustic requirements by using the standard to group sound-absorbing materials according to how well they perform.
Product Development and Certification: To make sure their products meet industry standards, manufacturers assess and certify their acoustic qualities using ISO 11654.
Rules for Buildings Conformance: In order to satisfy regional building codes and regulations pertaining to noise reduction and acoustic comfort in diverse settings, adherence to this standard may be required.

Method of ISO11654:

Sample Preparation: The test samples must accurately reflect the material’s intended use and are prepared in accordance with precise measurements. Standard sizes are frequently used for testing.

Testing Environment: The measurements are carried out in a controlled laboratory environment, typically in an acoustic testing facility such as a reverberation room.

Method of Measurement:

The Reverberation Room Method compares the sound levels in a room with and without the test material in order to determine the amount of sound absorption. The noise in the room is produced by a sound source, and microphones are used to gauge the sound pressure levels.
After recording the reverberation time, the sound absorption is computed using the variations noted.

Analyzing Data:

The outcomes show how well the material absorbs sound by providing the sound absorption coefficients across a range of frequencies.
The standard gives users an easy way to refer to materials by classifying them into different groups (Class A, B, C, etc.) according to how well they absorb sound.

For materials to effectively control sound in a variety of applications and improve acoustic environments in buildings and other spaces where noise reduction is crucial, ISO 11654 is necessary.